SanLei or san·lei [sahn-ley]: A Japanese word loosely meaning "where the mountains meet the sky"
SanLei produces high quality trout in the breathtaking Kingdom of Lesotho, a country commonly considered "the roof of Africa." As a commercial-scale rainbow trout farm, SanLei is located on the edge of the Katse Dam in the remote highlands of Lesotho; a site known for its deep, pristine waters and highly favourable environment for growing premium trout. In these pristine surroundings of pure water and crisp, clear mountain air, SanLei raise their trout to be plump and healty, living a stress-free life on a diet free of any unnatural additives. SanLei operates to the highest standards of aquaculture, sustainably and ethically producing world renowned premium products.
The company has successfully farmed rainbow trout for the South African market since 2018 and has the licence and physical infrastructure capacity to supply the entire South African rainbow trout market. SanLei started exporting their produce to Japan in 2018 and to the USA in 2021.
The company measures various water parameters including phosphorus and oxygen levels at regular intervals to remain within set sustainable limits for healthy water bodies. Rigorous requirements are adhered to, in order to minimise disease outbreaks and antibiotic use.
A special feed formula adheres to strict limits to minimise the use of wild fish as an ingredient for feed. Despite fish being farmed at low densities (around 7 kg per cubic metre) to reduce stress on the fish, SanLei was sustainably farming 800 tonnes of product in 2020 and 2,022 tonnes in 2021. Sanlei has a 5000T farming License and is aiming to reach 3000T by 2026.

We’re committed to sourcing responsible seafood so that future generations can enjoy the seafood we do today. As part of our commitment, we source our farmed seafood from Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP)-certified producers.
BAP is the most comprehensive program in the world for farmed seafood, with standards that cover the processing plant, farm, hatchery and feed mill. When you see a four-star BAP label, it means your seafood was certified all the way through the production chain.
BAP standards address environmental responsibility, worker welfare, food safety and animal health and welfare.
To learn more, visit bap.globalseafood.org or watch our video alongside.
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